Month: August 2017
Is ‘Big Brother’ Watching Me or My Back?
With the technology available today, you’ve probably thought a time or two, “Who is watching me?” Let’s get real for a moment. Someone is monitoring some aspect of someone’s life, somewhere. The question is, for what purpose? Well, now that I’ve got your conspiracy theory gears going, let’s shift those gears and talk about the…
Sensitive to air quality? Watch what you do today
The Washington state Department of Ecology issued an sensitive to air quality alert Wednesday for Whatcom, Skagit and Snohomish counties as smoke from British Columbia wildfires moved south this week, creating a haze over what should be blue skies in the region. Washington’s Air Monitoring Network labeled parts of Whatcom County, such as Lynden and…
How pipeline leak detection is set to change over the next decade
Oil and gas pipeline leak detection equipment are utilised to detect leaks in the pipelines carrying oil and gas. Due to hazardous nature of oil and gas their transportation through pipelines require extra care and safety. Oil and gas spills can endanger ecology of the area and can adversely affect life in that area. Therefore…
Hot and hazy: Smoke from B.C. fires will hang around Seattle
Where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire, they say. Not quite, in the case of Seattle’s dose of campfire-scented haze. The smoke that enveloped the region (almost entirely except for the upper reaches of the Cascades and the Olympics) didn’t come from any fires in Seattle or even in Washington state. Instead, north winds carried smoke…
The key to safer working
Managing health and safety in the oil and gas industry has always been a complex challenge. But economic pressures have created additional hurdles that need to be overcome. The industry has been through a particularly challenging period since the beginning of the oil price downturn in 2014. However, the multitude of risks present on sites,…
Global Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer Market 2017
Synopsis of Global Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer Market 2017 Research Report The report about Global Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer Market 2017 constitutes of pervasive fundamental research along with a structured analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative facet by assorted industry connoisseurs and main opinion leaders to gain a profound insight of the market and…