Creative Gas Detection Solutions

Month: July 2018

  • Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System Sales Market Is Expected to Reach 7690 Million US$ by 2025

    Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System Sales Market Is Expected to Reach 7690 Million US$ by 2025

    This report studies the global Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System market status and forecast, categorizes the global Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System market size (value & volume) by key players, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top players in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia India and Other regions (Middle East…

  • Global Wireless Gas Detection Market Report 2018 

    Global Wireless Gas Detection Market Report 2018 

    The Global Wireless Gas Detection market accounted for $1.27 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach $5.72 billion by 2026 growing at a CAGR of 18.2%. Growing environmental safety concerns among industries, raising acceptance of Industrial Internet of Things Technologies trend, and innovative technological advancements are some of the factors propelling the market growth…

  • Air quality monitoring unit will help shape council policy

    Air quality monitoring unit will help shape council policy

    Each winter, concern is expressed about the quantity of wood smoke in the Orange atmosphere, contributing significantly to atmospheric particle pollution, which has a detrimental affect on our health and wellbeing. It is therefore encouraging that Orange City Council has accepted the offer from the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) to install and operate…

  • Government to review air quality monitoring rules 

    Government to review air quality monitoring rules 

    The commitment came in a response to a major joint inquiry by MPs which concluded in March, and was critical of the government’s response to high levels of air pollution in towns and cities, accusing ministers of taking a ‘box-ticking’ approach to the issue In a written statement to the inquiry, published by the Environment…

  • Portable Gas Detection Equipment Market 2018

    Portable Gas Detection Equipment Market 2018

    QYResearch recently announces a latest research report titled “Effective Market Analysis of Global Portable Gas Detection Equipment Industry 2018” which highlights the Portable Gas Detection Equipment market size, comprehensive Portable Gas Detection Equipment industry dynamics and high-tech updates of global Portable Gas Detection Equipment market with respect to Portable Gas Detection Equipment industry opportunities, threats,…

  • 10 new air quality monitoring stations to be installed on Big Island 

    10 new air quality monitoring stations to be installed on Big Island 

    Ten new air quality monitoring stations will be installed across the Hawaii Island as volcanic gases and ash continue to affect air quality. The Department of Health is investing more than $1 million to install the long-term air quality monitoring stations. Their hope is to ensure responders, residents and visitors have accurate and up-to-date information…

  • ENMET July 2018 Newsletter – The Hazards of Formaldehyde Exposure

    ENMET July 2018 Newsletter – The Hazards of Formaldehyde Exposure

    Portable Direct Reading Formaldehyde Monitor Formaldemeter htV-m Formaldehyde is an organic compound that can adopt several different forms and at room temperature is a flammable gaseous substance that is highly toxic to humans. It is used in many different industries for various purposes such as an adhesive resin, an ingredient in glues, a preservative in…

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