Creative Gas Detection Solutions

ENMET April 2016 e-Newsletter

Process Air
Compressed Airline Monitor
Compressed Airline Monitor for Process Air Applications
ENMET’s ProAir 2200 is a compact easy to install and operate compressed airline monitor that can continuously and simultaneously monitor up to four gases in real-time, using internally mounted sensors.  ProAir 2200 can be custom configured to monitor a variety of hazardous gases present in compressed air, including carbon monoxide, oxygen, dew point, carbon dioxide, VOCs, trace hydrocarbons and many other gases associated with OSHA monitoring requirements for Grade D breathing air. ProAir 2200 is ENMET’s most advanced compressed airline monitor for process or breathing air requirements. It is used in a wide variety of industrial applications from aerospace to pharmaceutical, and can be easily adapted to meet your specific needs for compressed airline monitoring.  Contact our ENMET Sales Team today for additional information and let our sales department custom design a ProAir 2200 to fit your monitoring requirements.

Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer satisfaction is a top priority here at ENMET.  Please help us serve you better by taking a few minutes to tell us how we are doing by completing a brief Customer Satisfaction Survey.  Please click here to complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey.  We appreciate your business and want to make sure we meet your expectations.  Thank you for your support!

ENMET’s Trade Show Schedule 2016:
June 20-22: A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association Annual Conference & Exhibition), New Orleans, LA
June 26-28: ASSE (American Society of Safety Engineers Professional Development Conference & Exposition), Atlanta, GA
September 26-28: WEFTEC (Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition & Conference), New Orleans, LA
September 28-30: MGPHO (Medical Gas Professional Healthcare Organization), Charlotte, NC
November 7-11: ISA (Process Control & Safety Symposium), Houston, TX

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