A Message from ENMET
To Our Valued Customers,
It has been a while since ENMET provided an update on the effects of COVID-19.
So it is time for a report of what has happened over the last 9 months.
ENMET is a designated critical business and has been open and working within the guidelines to keep all our employees safe. However, operations are not normal. We have redeployed staff to new jobs to fill gaps and many are working from home. That sometimes doesn’t go as well as we would like, so I ask for your forgiveness. We have also had some employees test positive. I’m happy to report that so far, it has been a manageable recovery for them.
ENMET looks forward to the New Year with optimism. I want to thank all of our employees for their help and all of our customers for their business and understanding.
We wish everyone a Happy Holiday season!
Norman Davis, Jr., President