Creative Gas Detection Solutions

ENMET January 2016 e-Newsletter

Continuous Respiratory Airline Monitor
Carbon monoxide  (CO) monitor for supplied breathing air meets OSHA 1910.134 monitoring  requirements for compressed breathing air.
Continuous Carbon Monoxide Monitor for Compressed Breathing Air
ENMET’s CO-GUARD is a compact, easy to install and operate compressed airline CO monitor that meets OSHA monitoring requirements for Grade D breathing air. CO-GUARD uses a state of the art, electrochemical carbon monoxide sensor with a life expectancy of up to 3 years. The instrument is specifically designed for trouble-free operation. CO-GUARD is designed for use in a wide variety of applications ranging from automotive paint spray operations to wood finishing. This monitor can be used in virtually any commercial or industrial process that requires carbon monoxide monitoring of compressed breathing air for personnel working in such operations. Contact our ENMET Sales Team today for more information on our CO-GUARD CO monitor.

Trade-In Discount on CO Monitors
Throughout the month of February, ENMET is offering a trade-in discount when you replace an old ENMET CO monitor with a new CO-GUARD.  Contact our ENMET Sales Team for more details.

Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer satisfaction is a top priority here at ENMET.  Please help us serve you better by taking a few minutes to tell us how we are doing by completing a brief Customer Satisfaction Survey.  Please click here to complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey.  We appreciate your business and want to make sure we meet your expectations.  Thank you for your support!

ENMET’s Trade Show Schedule 2016:
June 20-22: A&WMA (Air & Waste Management Association Annual Conference & Exhibition), New Orleans, LA
June 6-28: ASSE (American Society of Safety Engineers Professional Development Conference & Exposition), Atlanta, GA
September 26-28: WEFTEC (Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition & Conference), New Orleans, LA
September 28-30: MGPHO (Medical Gas Professional Healthcare Organization), Charlotte, NC
November 7-11: ISA (Process Control & Safety Symposium), Houston, TX

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